The World's Greatest Blackjack Card Counter: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The mission to instruct club that they shouldn't fear blackjack card counters is one that I have been on for quite a while. This dread emerges from two memetic misinterpretations. To begin with, that there are a great deal of card counters. Second, that there is huge load of cash to be produced using card counting. On account of these confusions, the fixation on card counting by the two players and gambling clubs has endured more than 50 years. I uncertainty there is a lot of I can do about it, yet I will keep on attempting.

I posted two articles on this blog that address the subsequent fantasy given previously. These articles give a flat out upper-bound on the acquiring capability of an ideal high-low blackjack card counter. These articles theorized the world's most prominent high-low card counter and decided his ideal win-rate. Here is the counter I considered:

The card counter purposes the high-low card counting framework.
The card counter realizes each methodology list and plays impeccably.
The card counter plays precisely 100 hands.
Whenever the genuine count is over the list at which he has the edge, he bets $100, any other way he doesn't make a bet.
The gambling club couldn't care less about this counter and allows him to play without "heat."
All in all, we have an ideal card counter who is playing 100 hands, betting $100 at whatever point he has the edge, in any case he is perched on his hands. Since he never bets when the gambling club has the edge, and he bets a level measure of $100 when he has the edge, the profit for this card counter are the greatest feasible for any counter with a most extreme bet of $100. Once more, this card counter is succeeding at the greatest conceivable success rate for a high-low card counter with a most extreme bet of $100.

In the event that you haven't perused my past articles (or heard me discuss this point), then this is a chance for you to take a fast test. The following are two test questions:

Assuming this card counter plays a six-deck shoe game with the principles H17, DOA (twofold on any two first cards), DAS (twofold after split), with the cut card set 52 cards (1 deck) from the end, then, at that point, on normal what amount do you figure he will he acquire per 100 hands?
Assuming this card counter plays a two-deck game with the standards H17, DOA (twofold on any two first cards), DAS (twofold after split), with the cut card set 29 cards from the end, then, at that point, on normal what amount do you figure he will he acquire per 100 hands?
After you have your suppositions, partition them down the middle. Are you game? Also, here are the responses:

$33.58 (see this post).
$66.30 (see this post).
The typical blackjack card counter acquires undeniably less. The accompanying table gives some success rates for genuine blackjack play:

6d doa das win per 100 hands $100 max bet

For more data, read my blog entry, "The Win-Rate of the Average Blackjack Card Counter."

There is veritable doubt in these numbers from the two sides of the table. In my classes, most in participation surmise $200 or more. I had one student surmise $8,000. The greatness of these misjudges isn't restricted to the club side. Most card counters dishonestly accept they are making significantly more too. Ideally this FAQ will clear up certain false impressions.

The World's Greatest Blackjack Card Counter FAQ

Question 1. You probably committed an error in your virtual experiences. How might I believe that your outcomes are correct?

The simple response is that I didn't lead the reproductions. All things being equal, I reached the chief blackjack developer in the world, Norm Wattenberger, who did these reenactments for me. Norm has the best card counting recreation programming accessible, Casino Verite. This product has been around for very nearly 20 years. Norm additionally has an Internet message board,, so in the event that you feel somewhat unsure about the information I was given, ask Norm!

Question 2. I'm succeeding at a lot higher speed than your numbers propose is conceivable. How might you be correct when I am winning far beyond you foresee?

You've been fortunate. Play enough and your success rate will go down.

Question 3. Everything point would you say you are attempting to demonstrate past saying to club that they ought to fundamentally overlook red shredders who may count?

To put all types of benefit play on an equivalent balance with the goal that they can measure up similar things. In this unique situation, blackjack card counting is close to the base. Essentially every other strategy for advantage play is prevalent.

Question 4. In your six-deck results, you say that the card counter ought to play at +1 or more. Yet, doesn't the house have an edge at a +1 genuine count?

As per the aftereffects of Norm's reenactment, the player has a 0.199% edge over the house when the genuine include is +1 in the six-deck game.

Question 5. You have the player play at whatever point the count is +1 or higher. Mightn't he at any point get more cash-flow by betting when the genuine count is higher with the goal that he has a greater edge?

The player boosts his income by betting at whatever point he has the edge and at no other time. In the event that he held on until the genuine count was +3, he would be surrendering all the procuring capability of those +1 and +2 genuine counts.

Here is the condition that gives the card counter's procuring potential:

Win-per-100-hands =

($100)x(100 hands)x(average edge)x(bet recurrence)

A player who played start at a higher genuine count would have a higher typical edge, yet a much lower bet recurrence. Generally, his success per-100-hands would be lower.

Question 6. I bet significantly more than $100 as my greatest bet, so I will make much more than your numbers recommend. How might you say your numbers are legitimate for me?

I pick $100 and 100 hands with the goal that my outcomes are adaptable and can be utilized by any player to investigate his play. In this way, consider a counter who plays 150 hands with a greatest bet of $200. This counter has a most extreme hypothetical procuring capability of (150/100)x(200/100)x($33.58) = $100.74 in the six-deck shoe game I portrayed.

One more justification for the "100 hands at $100" plot is that I utilize similar boundaries for all of my card counting examination. This permits different card counting chances to be looked at and positioned against one another.

Question 7. I utilize Kelly wagering, so I succeed at the greatest conceivable rate, how might you say that you can win more without utilizing Kelly wagering?

Assuming you utilize some kind of Kelly wagering for a meeting of play, then you have a most extreme wagered for still up in the air by this sort of wagering. Anything your greatest bet is, utilize that as your bet when you scale my outcomes for your meeting. You will procure not exactly that. You basically can't succeed at a quicker rate than by either wagering $0 or causing a greatest bet when you to have the edge.

For most expert card counters, Kelly wagering is a non-issue. Adequately very much financed players and groups have more viable restrictions. These incorporate staying away from CTRs as well as low table maximums and hotness aversion.

Question 8. I utilize a vastly improved card counting framework, what amount more will I make?

As a matter of fact, you will most likely make much less practically speaking, particularly right this minute deck game. As a matter of first importance, you don't have the foggiest idea about all the lists that the ideal card counter knows. Maybe you just know the Illustrious 18, for instance, which surrenders a ton of significant worth on twofold deck games. Second, you are getting heat, so you might utilize some cover plays (like not dividing 10s). You likely utilize a bet slope or some likeness thereof, so you are putting not exactly your greatest bet in certain circumstances when you have the edge.

The success rates I give are unreachable by and by. Your best viable success rate with a more grounded framework is in all likelihood lower than these ideal hypothetical outcomes.

Question 9. I play a game with much better guidelines and cut-card situation than those you expounded on. Could it be said that i are making significantly more as a result of having a superior game?

Once more, more examination should absolutely be possible here by somebody who will make it happen. In an ideal world, each conceivable blend of card counting framework, cut card situation and game guidelines would be accessible for you to reference. The place of my work isn't to respond to each question; it is to give a feeling of the size of the misguided judgment.

Question 10. What might be said about a solitary deck game where blackjack pays 6:5 and the entrance is down to last 12 cards and utilizing a count which incorporates side considering values such 7,8,9,5 and Ace for more exact play varieties?

You're attempting to count a 6/5 game and I'm attempting to fix disease.

Question 11. In your article, an individual with a $ 5000 max bet will win $3314 per 100 hands. So at approx 30 hands each hour back counting, would he say he is checking out $ 1100 every hour?

Your numbers allude to my twofold deck results. These outcomes are not in light of the hands you really play, they depend on the hands you see altogether. Win-per-100 hands alludes to 100 hands, regardless of whether played. So this player will win $3314 per 100 hands overall, regardless of whether he just plays 30% of them.

The terms to find out about to completely comprehend this are "normal edge" and "bet recurrence." I expound on them here.

Question 12. What programming would it be advisable for me to purchase if I have any desire to twofold really look at your outcomes or run my own reenactments?

Gambling club Verite by Norm Wattenberger. Get it here. The module that does these reproductions is called CVCX. You can download a preliminary duplicate free of charge.

Question 13. It would make sense if you work for the club business with your publicity talk; somebody keen on counting could track down this article and really think that counting isn't worth the effort.

Both are valid.
Question 14. I need to say that I can't help contradicting you and think your article is unadulterated Bull****. I accept that card counting gives the player a tremendous edge and it's anything but an exercise in futility.

You have clearly been drinking.

Question 15. You are one of the greatest sociopathic, self-despising dolts in betting history. Yet, indeed, your math is correct.

Your point?

Question 16. You are off-base.

That is not an inquiry, but rather my canine concurs with you once in a while.

Question 17. I figure you were unable to cut it as a card co

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